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#Carroist Cards being decorated by students!

Carrorist Resources

The Carrorist Mindset





Congratulations! Today you are being offered a rare opportunity! To embark on life’s greatest adventure. To be clear, if you choose this specific journey, your ordinary life will be transformed into an extraordinary life. You will be free from the false influences of others and will live on earth with a heart centered authenticity. You and your relationship to everyone and everything you know will change forever.  Unexpected mentors and guides will begin to appear as you explore the uncharted territories of your quest.  At some point, you will pass a threshold of no return. If you continue past this threshold you will encounter unforeseen challenges, benefits, and experiences. They will test your understanding, resolve, and character. However without warning, you will be escorted into the sacred chamber of your heart, a place of clarity, purpose, and love.  You will exit your heart with true love, a sense of purpose, an increased sense of powerfulness, and the ability to heroically explore the earth. Put simply, Upon completing this journey you will be the greatest version of yourself!


A Journey Within


Your journey begins within!  Right now, is the only moment we have. Individuals with a carrorist mindset choose to mentally exist in a positive state of mind and practice using love and kindness to become the best versions of themselves. No one is getting out of here alive. So, who will you be on during your life’s journey? What ideas, principals, beliefs and attitudes will you exude? I’m suggesting you have a carrorist mindset.    A carrorist mind set occurs when one heroically lives in a positive state of mind using self - efficacy, love, and kindness to the benefit of themselves. Here are the nine attributes that help carrorist benefit themselves and others. A carrorist: follows their heart, posses hero consciousness, performs conscious acts of kindness, sees adversity as their ally, uses healthy words to communicate with themselves and others, uses the collaborative narrative to relate to life, stay’s curious in the face adversity, uses the negative language neutralizer, and practices the seven healthy words to live by.  


Hero Consciousness


Hero consciousness is when someone is aware of their ability to achieve their goals and aspirations because of great courage. When you posses a hero consciousness, It benefits you and the people you collaborate with. You will thrive on earth as you practice using a positive, beneficial, and self - efficacy driven state of mind.  To learn more about hero consciousness please click here.


Following Your Heart


Hero consciousness begins with following your heart. When you follow your heart you will always be authentic. The definition of authentic is of undisputed origin; genuine.  Being genuine ensures you’ll be the best version of yourself.  Your heart will reveal what you love to do, where you love to go, and who you love to associate with.  Heart is defined as the vital part or essence. Your heart indicates your most vital or inner desires, feelings, and aspirations you posses.  Following your heart will lead to self efficacy, self respect, self confidence and it solidifies your unique type of hero consciousness.


Staying Curious in the Face of Uncertainty


As you follow your heart you will experience moments of uncertainty. Uncertainty is defined as not completely confident or sure of something.  A carrorist acknowledges uncertainty as a natural step in the process of discovery in one’s life journey. To learn how a carrorist stays curious in the face of uncertainty please click here.



Understanding Adversity as Your Ally


During the journey of becoming the best version of yourself you will have adversity. An individual with hero consciousness sees their adversities and their allies as equal and necessary energies aiding them in their life. Adversity is described as difficulties; misfortune. When you acknowledge the adversity (or challenge(s)) in your journey you can respond to them positively. To learn how a carrorist understands adversity as an ally please click here.

The Collaboration Narrative 


Collaborating with others is how humanity thrives today. However, many of us describe life as a “conflict narrative”. To be clear a narrative is defined as a spoken or written account of connected events; a story. The conflict narrative has three basic types of conflict commonly codified as "man against man", "man against nature", and "man against self.”  The truth is all of life is a collaboration.  An endless cycle of change. We share everything, because we are everything.  Life is collaboration in motion, every point of connection collaborates with each another to create all of existence.  To learn how a carrorist apply’s the collaboration narrative please click here.


Conscious Acts of Kindness


A perfect way to cooperate with yourself, other people, and nature is performing conscious acts of kindness. A conscious act of kindness occurs every time a carrorist lovingly pursues giving more kindness for the optimum benefit of themselves or others.

View the carrorist leader’s mini documentary to observe a conscious act of kindness. 



Healthy Words


Becoming the best version of yourself will require healthy words. Healthy words are positive, beneficial, or nutritious vocabulary that boost your emotional and psychological immune systems.   To learn how a carrorist apply’s healthy words to their life please click here.

Neutralizing the Impact of Negative Language


Your emotional and psychological immune systems are your heart and mind’s way of naturally reducing or eliminating the impact of negative ideas, beliefs and words. Boosting your emotional and psychological immune systems will create a healthy self efficacy.  Place your trust and confidence in yourself to boost your emotional and psychological immune systems with the vitality stored in each healthy word.With a robust and healthy self efficacy the impact of negative ideas, beliefs, and language are muted or neutralized.   To learn how a carrorist apply’s the collaboration narrative please click here.



Seven Healthy Words to Live By


Here are seven healthy words every carrorist live by: inspire, desire, enquire, aspire, success, benefit, and gratitude.  To learn how to apply these 7 healthy words to your life please click here.  To learn how a carrorist apply’s the collaboration narrative please click here.

Carrorism in your daily life!

What is a carrorist? 

A carrorist is someone who practices conscious acts of love and kindness. We strive to live heroically, light-heartedly, and to use healthy words in our pursuit of the optimum welfare of all living things.

What is a heroic heart? 

A heroic heart is a heart filled with the courage to use love and kindness to carrorize themselves and others. 

How do I activate my heroic heart?

We activate our heroic hearts every time we are in a positive state of mind.

What is a positive state of mind?

Your "state of mind" is your mood or mental state at a particular time. Positive is defined as: a good, affirmative, or constructive quality or attribute. Therefore a positive state of mind is a good mood in essence. 

What can I do to be in a positive state of mind?

My first suggestion is gratitude.  It is the easiest and most effective way to access a positive state of mind. My second suggestion is using healthy words! However if you are seeking further information, here is a link to numerous techniques, ideas, and strategies to stay in a positive state of mind. 

What are healthy words?

Healthy words are positive, beneficial, and nutritious vocabulary words. Words like kindness, broccoli, and laughing. 

How do I carrorize myself and others with healthy words?

Start by choosing to use positive, uplifting, and encouraging language with yourself! You will notice that using healthy words with yourself naturally influences the language you share with others.  Words are a great way to practice conscious acts of kindness too! The more healthy words you know, the easier it is to have positive communication. Challenge yourself to acquire more healthy words in your vocabulary. Choosing to use kind words with yourself and others will also enhance your relationships and your quality of life!

When will I begin to feel a change?

Instantly! When we are authentically grateful we are constantly on the verge of jubilation, a feeling that can only be acquired in a positive state of mind. 

What is a carrorist act?

Any conscious act of kindness! A conscious act of kindness is something one plans to do with the aim of being friendly, generous, and considerate. 

What carrorist actions can I practice daily to improve my life? 

Practice personal praise!

Honor the desires of your heroic heart!

Create positive affirmations & mantras.

Feed your heart literary snacks as needed. 

Feed your mind a Healthy Word everyday!

Create a Gratitude List and add something new to it often!

Practice doing more conscious act of kindness towards yourself everyday!

How does a carrorist transform adversity into an ally?

One significant attribute of a carrorist is living each day with hero consciousness. Carrorists 

identify their adversities and their allies as equal and necessary energies aiding them to 

discover their greatness.  


  1. When we chose to acknowledge the adversity (or challenge(s)). 

  2.  Identify the negative feelings and behaviors associated with the adversity.

  3. Question the origin of the negative feelings. 

  4. Apply the positive opposite feelings associated with the adversity. 

  5. Practice a carrorist mindset in relationship to the adversity. 

  6. Enjoy the benefits on your unique heroic path to greatness!

Now, you can use the five carrorist worksheets I created below to explore your path to greatness!

Click the heart images below to download the worksheets for each of the 5 Steps to complete the carrorist activity. 
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

Carrorism in the Classroom

Why Carrorism in the Classroom?

I developed an activity for the carrorist educators I've spoken with last school year. I know you are looking for easy ways to share carrorism in your classrooms. Students will be practicing a conscious act of kindness activity with our specially designed carrorist card. Though this carrorist activity was designed for educators, I encourage all of you to use this activity to carrorize someone in your life today! 

A Conscious Act of Kindness Classroom Activity

This activity is designed to promote friendship, kindness, and mindfulness. In essence students can practice being a carrorist.  Follow the steps below and please send any images, stories, or questions to my contact page.  On social media please #carrorism or #carrorist so I can find it! Let's get carrorizing!

Step 1   Load my Conscious Acts of Kindness Video.

Step 2   Play the video for your students.

Step 3   Download the carrorist card sheets.

Step 4   Print both sheets on a single piece of paper.

Step 5   Cut the sheet in half and you will have two cards per sheet.

Step 6   Distribute the necessary number of cards to students (make extras).

Step 7   Distribute coloring utensils.

Step 8   Have students select someone to carrorize.

Step 9   Write that person's name in the blank space provided.

Step 10   Instruct students to decorate their carrorist card.

Step 11  Tell students to deliver their carrorist card.

Click on image below for your free Carrorist Card to download.

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