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Nasreen's Bio

Buddhaslim the Carrorist Leader

" Your heart has a magnificent mission...prepare for it!"

 - Nasreen Ameri

Nasreen Ameri is a mother and former international model and actress who desired the negativity to be removed from her life. Her quest to eliminate the negativity that surrounded her lead her to discover her life purpose and create Carrorism. In October of 2016 seeking a moment of spiritual clarity, Ameri authentically asked the Universe to pay her in hearts. The next day her first precious faith-igniting heart appeared. Swiftly following, insidious fears showed up in all forms imaginable that challenged her desire to grow. With each unique situation she was guided to choose her authentic self and, in doing so, she was rewarded with an abundance of hearts (1000+ heart photographs to date). Undeniably incredible hearts manifested in the most loving ways. Inspired by the love and kindness she received from the Universe she quit her work as an actress and model and dedicated her life to empowering people with love and kindness. Recently, Ameri created her carrorist mindset to aid people in neutralizing the impact of negative language and energy by using healthy words to become the best version of themselves. Her book “Buddhaslim 101: A Hero’s Guide to a Healthy Heart” is unique blend of healthy words, wisdom, and spiritual insights for your heart. Perfect meditations and affirmations to boost your emotional and psychological immune systems as you continue the quest to fulfill your life’s purpose.

Buddhaslim 101 A Hero's Guide to a Healthy Heart by Nasreen Ameri
The video below is a quick glance inside my book - enjoy!
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