
"Follow your heart and live a life you love!"
- Nasreen Ameri
Are You a Carrorist?
Do you care for humanity?
Do you desire to follow your heart?
Do you care for yourself ?
Do you want to live a life you love?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions you are a carrorist! Why? Because a carrorist uses kindness and love to pursue the optimum welfare and benefit for all living things, especially themselves and others!
When you choose to follow your heart, a positive psychology practice is essential in aiding you on your quest! I developed 8 principles that when practiced together create the carrorist mindset. The carrorist mindset is designed to strengthen your self-efficacy, boost your emotional & psychological esteem, enhance your mental fitness, and transform your adversity and uncertainty into aids and allies! So follow your heart with a carrorist mindset to live a life you love!
The Carrorist Mindset
The 8 Principles of the Carrorist Mindset
The 8 Principles of the Carrorist Mindset

Carrorist Mindset #1

Carrorist Mindset #2

Carrorist Mindset #3

Carrorist Mindset #4
8 Carrorist Mindset Principles

Carrorist Coaches
Nasreen Ameri

Founder & President
“As I created Carrorism, my life philosophy and mindset, I discovered practical applications for a positive psychology. A carrorist mindset is when one kindly and lovingly follows their heart, using healthy words & hero consciousness to collaborate with themselves, others and nature for the optimum benefit of all. Whether you choose to apply a carrorist mindset to your life or not, may you always follow your heart and benefit from practicing positive psychology!”
Fondè Bridges

“I love sharing carrorism with the world! I have been a creative writing consultant in schools for over 25 years. I created healthy words to provide school age children with vocabulary to manifest their best outcomes. Healthy words are positive, beneficial, and nutritious vocabulary words that are a significant part of any positive psychology pratice. Carrorism is the kind of healthy word we all benefit from. Apply the carrorist mindset and enjoy becoming the best version of yourself!"